In little irksome ways, 2014 is already teaching me that I try to do too much. For instance, merely over the month of December, I accumulated more than 10 books on my bedside table. I am very interested in reading all of them cover to cover. I love to read. I love to learn. I love to escape to fictitious lands and experience through fictitious eyes. And here, today, on January 1, I have read at least one page in each of these books, but little more. To make matters worse, most of these books are in someway instructional. Why do I feel compelled to be so productive? Maybe I need a book on how to get better sleep so that I will have more energy to...oh, never mind.
Title: Man Repeller
Author: Leandra Medine
Though I am unclear on his thoughts on the title, this book was a gift from my husband. It is a collection of autobiographical essays written by a fairly funny and successful "bloggess." I could write a book like this. I am not a Jewish girl from the Upper East side with a large following and a fancy degree from the New School, but everyone's awkwardness is equally as hilarious and I am easily as witty as she. Good thing I am just enjoying reading this book and not judging it or myself in the process.
Title: A Prayer Journal
Author: Flannery O'Conner
I love Flannery O'Conner's transparency in this journal which was recently published. Of, course O'Conner was writing for no one, but herself. Still, her honesty with God humbles me.
Title: Help, Thanks, Wow
Author: Anne Lamott
Lamott, on the other hand, intentionally wrote a book on prayer. Though not a spiritual leader, exactly, I truly believe her experience and way with words has the ability to teach us all.
Title: Bird by Bird
Author: Anne Lamott
Also in the "I heart Anne stack" is this essential book for all writers, aspiring or otherwise. This one, I will definitely finish.
Title: How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk
Author: Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish
A great parenting book. So simple, yet effective. I love to talk and when it comes to my kids I often say too much. I want nothing more than to understand my little ones and have them confide in me as they grow into not so little ones.
Title: Hyperbole and a Half
Author: Allie Brosh
Ok, so this is my attempt to be hip and cool. Thankfully my friend Laura gave this book to me for Christmas so I can feign "with-it-ness." This is also my true comic relief in the pile. From what I have read so far, I am just like this woman. And she is a mess. Awesome.
Rounding out the list is "
Praying with the Psalms" and "
The Message" (a contemporary translation of the Christian Bible) both books written and/or translated by Eugene Peterson. One day, yes, one day, I will read through the entire Bible in a year.
Also on my bedside is a book of Christmas Sudoku puzzles which is festive in cover design alone. I have no idea when I last tried to finish one of those. And a yoga DVD which is doing absolutely nothing for anyone in my bedroom where there is no TV or floor space for such nonsense. Perhaps I should tidy up a bit.
And last, but certainly not least, is "
Living a Jewish Life" which I picked up at my church's library. A new character I am developing is Jewish. That is all. Stay tuned.
So, clearly, I have plenty to keep me busy by my bedside this year (I didn't even go into what is on my desk).
Hey, wait, none of these titles are fiction. Sacrilege! Well, I am off to the library to necessarily add to my pile...
.JPG) |
They will never be stacked this neatly again. |
What should I check out fiction-wise this year? Have you read any of the above titles with your very own two eyes?